Cedar River Flow and River


On the Flow, paddlers should see lots of birds!

How to get there

From the intersection of Sable Road and Route 28 in Indian Lake, head west for 2 miles, then turn left onto Cedar River Road. Continue for 12 more miles until the parking area for Wakely Dam.


Common Loon, Mallard, Hooded and Common Mergansers, Osprey, Herring Gull, and-both of them noisy birds, Pied-billed Grebe and Wilson's Snipe. Red-tailed Hawks and Common Ravens nest to the northwest of the Flow and are seen using the air currents there. On the river, it's approximately three miles to the lean-to on the right bank of the river. Paddle a little farther before running into beaver dams and small rapids. Along the river are hardwoods on the left and a swamp/bog on the right which provides the chance to see and hear many different birds. Often Olive-sided Flycatchers, Canada Jays, and Boreal Chickadees are right overhead. The Jays frequent the lean-to where they find plenty of hand-outs. Woodland warblers are common on the left, and Northern Parula and Palm Warblers are sometimes seen.

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