Black Fly Beer Camp Day Pass @ Great Camp Sagamore

Great Camp Sagamore's Popular Black Fly Beer Camp is Back! 

Join us for a day of informative classes, beer tastings, excellent food, fireside entertainment, and great regional craft beers. Professional brewers, home brewers, and folks who just love craft beer will sample, learn, and talk about beer in a stunning Adirondack setting.

The day pass provides access to Sagamore's Black Fly Beer Camp on Saturday, June 29, 2024 starting from 9:00am.

The day starts with classes and presentations about beer history and the beer making process, lunch in the historic dining hall, an afternoon beer tasting around camp with selections from local NY brewers, a delicious dinner and evening music. 

Featured Presenters include brewing veteran Rich Michaels, Laura Clough from Black Barn Brewing, Randy Lewis from Other One Brewing Company, and Erik Hanson from Brewery Ommegang.

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